Right of Way News
After eleven years of litigation, the lawsuit brought against the Association by the late Mr. James Duffy and Mrs. Mary Ellen Duffy, his wife, over the “Carpenter Road” right-of-way has been concluded.
The judgment entered by the Court provides that while Mrs. Duffy owns the property in question, there exists a pedestrian right-of-way over the property in favor of all property owners on Nassau Point.
By the terms of the judgment, Mrs. Duffy is obligated to remove at her expense two fallen trees obstructing the ROW (which has already been done) and to relocate a dumpster currently on the property.
The chain link fence at the eastern end of the Duffy portion of Carpenter Road is to be maintained by the Duffys, and the gate in the middle of the fence is required to remain unlocked at all times, allowing pedestrian passage.
We are gratified that the integrity of this right-of-way has been preserved.
The ROWs on Nassau Point were created when Nassau Point was initially subdivided by Nassau Point Club Properties in 1922. They are for the use and enjoyment of Nassau Point residents. Please use them with care and consideration for your neighbors.