Photos from 2024

Family Day/Children's Picnic

We had a beautiful sunny day, 40 children, with their parents and some grandparents signed in and participated in the day’s event. From all accounts it was an enormous success. Upon sign-in every child was given a colorful mesh bag containing headbands, beach scavenger hunt lists, crayons, colorful sunglasses, leis, and beach balls. They also received a blue ticket to hold onto, promising them a free ice cream later that day. A table was set up with free snacks and water for the children to help themselves.

David Reed Brown the magician entertained the children for over an hour, as he captured their attention with his clever interactive magic tricks. Many of the children volunteered to get up on stage and participated in the fun. Jenna Santiago was the first to take the stage, followed immediately by her baby brother Jake.

There was a steady stream of children, throughout the day, waiting to be transformed into whimsical characters by Susan Brewster, our very own talented face painter. Susan’s husband Richard snapped pictures of the day's activities.

The children who participated in a sandcastle competition did an awesome job, making it exceedingly difficult for our judges to select the first-place winner of the $30 gift certificate to Magic Fountain. Congratulations to Max and Devi, our winning team, for a job well done. All who participated received a gold medal for their accomplishments.

Immediately following the sandcastle judging any disappointed faces were changed into happy ones at the appearance of Mr. Softee. Tickets in hands excited children lined up for their free ice cream. The perfect ending to a wonderful event.

A big thank you goes to the fabulous Events Committee consisting of Noreen Fisher, Carrie Blair, Jane Weiland, Nancy Santiago, Raquel Martinez-Fonts, and Barbara McCartney for their hard work over the many months of preparation. A special thanks to Imogen Blair for her sandcastle judging and to Ed Weiland, Rip Fisher, and Rick Mayne for giving up part of their Saturday afternoon to do some heavy lifting with the set up and take down of the event. Also, fellow NPPOA Board members Jack DiPaola for providing the tarp, and Keith Hughes and Angelo Mangia for their assistance.

Recap Presented by Donna Mayne, Events Committee Coordinator.


The NPPOA Annual Cocktail Party took place on Saturday July 20th at the beautiful waterfront home of hosts Debra and Michael Thompson. The weather could not have been more perfect, with brilliant sunshine and a constant offshore breeze that kept everyone comfortable. 

A record 248 people attended the two-hour party surpassing last year’s record of 180! An assortment of beverages, including various wines, Prosecco, LIV canned cocktails, beers, and soft drinks were served. Wonderful foods were displayed under the expansive tent.  Some were provided and many more delicious treats were donated by our members, making for a broad offering of savory and sweet delights. We are incredibly grateful to those who took the time and effort to share their favorite appetizer or dessert. 

Elegant flowers from the North Fork Flower Farm adorned the linen draped tabletops. While people mingled and enjoyed the beautiful surroundings, the talented local musicians The Barry brothers entertained them with vocals and guitars throughout the event.  

A special thank you to my daughter, Carin Manetti, and Richard Brewster for capturing the day in these pictures. And, to the incredible hard work of the Events Committee, consisting of Carrie Blair, Noreen Fisher, Andi Parks, and Jane Weiland, as well as all who came to lend a hand and their muscle, Keith Hughes, Rip Fisher, Rick Mayne, and Ed Weiland. An extra special thanks to Debra, Michael, and Katie Thompson for not only hosting this huge party for a second time, but for pitching in and helping wherever needed.  I am privileged to have worked with all of them.   

Donna Mayne, Events Chair 

Annual YARD Sale

The eighteen sellers began to gather at the Causeway Beach parking lot at 7AM to set up their items. Blue skies and warm pleasant temperatures made for perfect selling conditions. 

A steady stream of buyers began to arrive 8AM and continued until noon. Lots of treasures were bought and sold as neighbors interacted with each other in a beautiful setting. All in all a great day.

Annual Beach Cleanup Day

About 20 hardy souls showed up to enjoy a beautiful morning at the Causeway Beach. After providing them with coffee and donuts to get them going, we split into two groups. One group cleaned up the Causeway Beach, the other picked up the lumber from the Fisherman’s Beach fence. The latter included the neighbor’s fence immediately before the beach, whose fence was dumped in front of the town’s No Dumping sign! I will contact them about it.

The group picked up a total of 4 pickup truck loads and 1 trailer load of mostly lumber and a bunch of dried seaweed and other organic material. There was not much real trash.

Among the notable volunteers, we had:

Jane and Ed Weiland
Jack DiPaola
Grace Fleming
Xavier Fleming
Keith and Ellen Hughes
Ken Seiferth and Lori O’Neill
Tom Ludlam
Bill and Lorraine Callas
Priscilla Winchester
Angelo Mangia
Bob Hussey
Richard Brewster
Andrew Auerbach
Eugene and Veronica Rusu
Raquel and yours truly

Apologies if I forgot anyone!

Many thanks to all that helped, especially Xavier and Angelo on the dump permit and Raquel for picking up the coffee and donuts at 7:30 am.
