About the Association

Welcome to the Nassau Point Property Owners Association (NPPOA)!

Nassau Point is a residential community residing in the hamlet of Cutchogue on the North Fork of Long Island.

The mission of the NPPOA is to:

  • Foster a neighborly spirit among the residents of Nassau Point to benefit all.

  • Protect and maintain the property values of Nassau Point.

  • Secure necessary public services from state, county, and town agencies commensurate with the taxes contributed by Nassau Point property owners.

  • Stimulate community interest in civic affairs.

  • Maintain necessary services in the vital areas of police and fire protection, health and sanitation, conservation, roads and transportation, light, power and communications, schools and zoning and building ordinances.


The board is a group of active members who work hard to support the community.

Angelo Mangia



First Vice President

Noreen Fisher

Second Vice President

Ken o’brien

Corresponding Secretary

Susan brewster

Recording Secretary

Keith Hughes



I) MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Noreen Fisher – Chairperson. Duties include maintaining all online and tangible membership records and oversight of the following subcommittees:


  1. Welcoming Committee – Welcoming and recruiting new members. Chaired by Louise and Kieran Connaughton.

  2. Events Committee – Planning and organization of all events. Chaired by Noreen Fisher and Barbara McCartney.

  3. Membership Directory & Yearbook – Production aand distribution of the annual publication including ad placements. Chaired by Jane Weiland.

  4. Website – Manage content and technology for the NPPOA.com including Membership Works for community e-mail and other communications. Chaired by Robert Deak.

  5. Newsletter – Production of the NPPOA newsletter. Chaired by Robert Deak and Ken O’Brien.

  6. Historian – Supply historic content for the newsletter and website, Chaired by Susan Brewster.

II) BUDGET & FINANCE COMMITTEE: Keith Hughes – Treasurer-All matters pertaining to finances for the Association, including proposing an annual budget, and monitoring revenues and expenses. 

III) PROPERTY & PLANNING: TBD – Chairperson – All matters pertaining to the care and maintenance of the land and waters comprising Nassau Point and oversight of the following subcommittees: 


  1. Deer Management – Oversite of the deer management program in conjunction with outside hunting organizations and regulatory authorities, to control deer overpopulation on Nassau Point. Chaired by Arnold Blair.

  2. Zoning and Building Ordinances – The monitoring of all matters pertaining to local and state zoning and building requirements as they relate to Nassau Point residents. Chaired by TBD.

  3. Wetlands and Shore Preservation, Groundwater, and Water Quality – Liaison between Nassau Point and local authorities concerning all matters pertaining to the abovementioned areas. Chaired by Bill Callas and TBD.

  4. Beaches and Rights of Way – Responsible for all matters pertaining to the rights of way on Nassau Point and the Causeway Beach, including sand replenishment as needed. Chaired by Bill Callas, Richard Brewster, and TBD. 

  5. Roads and Transportation – Oversite of road conditions and repairs, and traffic and safety issues on Nassau Point. Chaired by Carmine Arpaia and Jack DiPaola. 

  6. Property Maintenance and Improvements – Management and upkeep of all common grounds on Nassau Point. Chaired by Carmine Arpaia and Jack DiPaola. 

  7. Police and fire protection – Association representative to town police and fire departments, headed by Jack DiPaola

IV) LEGAL AFFAIRSAngelo Mangia – Chairperson– Oversite of all legal affairs of the Association including monitoring any litigation in which the Association is involved, the conduct of Association business and the by-laws of the Association. 

V) NOMINATING COMMITTEE – TBD – Chairperson- Manage the selection process of officer candidates to be presented to the Board of Directors for election at the July 2025 board meeting and submit board member candidates to the Board of Directors, in accordance with the bylaws.


Annual Membership Meeting Minutes