Neighborhood Guidelines
—- NOTICE —-
Consistent with our Neighborhood Guidelines, we're asking all homeowners to register their Kayaks and Paddleboards. To review these guidelines go here. To register your Kayak, Paddleboard, or Canoe click here.
On this page…
The unique, remote peninsula of Nassau Point has, for close to 100 years, provided respite and relaxation to our residents. While most homes have been utilized as summer residences, a greater number of home owners have discovered the pleasure of either full-time residency, or are utilizing their home twelve months a year.
The community has long maintained a strong rural and maritime character. In an attempt to preserve as much of the original character of the Point as possible, the Nassau Point Property Owner's Association (NPPOA) would like to offer some suggestions for our residents. While some of the issues contained in this guide are legally enforceable, others are merely suggestions.
We feel it is important to convey to the residents a vision of how we can all enjoy the Point, and ask that we all work together in an attempt to retain its unique character and the beauty.
We thank you very much for your consideration of each of these suggestions. Your input into our quality of life is important to us. Please feel free to contact any officer of the NPPOA to provide us with your feedback and to attend our annual meeting held each July.
Nassau Point has long been home to spectacular natural gardens, rolling hills and natural forests. Many front yards have been left heavily treed with native oaks and pines to create a privacy buffer for homes. A tour of the Point depicts many yards that have maintained a "natural" look. While our empty building lots are not small, they are often deep and narrow. As such, we encourage home owners to create and maintain a buffer with natural vegetation. All driveways are required to maintain both height and width (15’ wide, or 20’ wide if there is a curb, and 15” high) clearance to allow access for emergency vehicles. Many residents wish to either maintain their yards themselves, or utilize a professional yard care service. While it might be convenient to complete this yard work either in the early morning or evening, most residents wish to either sleep in the morning or relax in the evenings without listening to the noise created by either lawn mowers, trimmers, tree saws, leaf blowers or heavy equipment. As such, we are requesting that the use of this equipment should not take place prior to 9 AM or after 6 PM on weekends, or prior to 8 AM on weekdays.
Outdoor Lighting
The North Fork has maintained the ability for it's homeowners to enjoy the beautiful environment, to include the night sky. The combination of heavy woods with few street lights or home spot lights have allowed residents of the Point to enjoy many starry nights. We would ask that residents do what they can to minimize light pollution. While we realize the important safety factor that home, driveway and pathway lights provide, we wish to offer the following suggestions when considering outdoor lights:
Outdoor lights should not be burning all night long. We encourage residents to utilize motion detectors which automatically turn lights on and off.
Avoid aiming outdoor spotlights or floodlights out into a yard or street. We encourage residents to aim these lights towards the ground, or at an angle.
Pointing lights in this manner will also increase the ambience of your deck or garden. Please consider the use of floodlights that have a lip or ring that protrudes beyond the top of the bulb. These fixtures help to reduce light pollution. In addition, we ask that you avoid the use of high wattage floodlights in the eves or gables of homes.
An increase in construction has brought with it the temporary installation of construction signs. These signs are utilized as a form or marketing or advertising for the contractors. We would ask that you have these signs removed upon completion of the project. We would also ask that you give the same consideration with personal signs utilized with events to include, but not be limited to yard sales, parties, weddings, etc. All homes are required by local law to display a house number sign. These signs must be located on the front of the property, either on the home or at the street, provided it is visible to both pedestrians and drivers. The numbers should be at least three inches high and affixed to a post or mailbox. These regulations also apply to homes on private roads or rights of way. The use of these signs is critical for both emergency personnel and postal deliveries.
Pedestrian Safety
It is typical for our residents and guests to utilize our roads for walking, jogging or biking. Given our rolling hills and roads containing many twists and turns, the use of our roadways for this purpose presents various challenges. Pedestrians should walk or jog against traffic while bicycle riders should ride with the traffic. The legal speed limit for all roads on the Point is 30 MPH. We strongly encourage drivers to use ultimate care, particularly in warm weather, when traveling our roads. If possible, please consider traveling at a speed which is less then 30 MPH on weekends year around and all the time during the summer months.
Rights of Way (ROWs)
The original developers of the Point desired to create a community where beach access was available to all residents of the Point. As such, many ROWs were created. We ask that all residents who own a home adjacent to a ROW keep these paths clear and accessible so that they can be enjoyed by members of our community.
For more information, please visit the Rights of Way page.
Garbage Collection and Litter
Garbage left overnight in a yard is not only unsightly, but also serves as an attractive meal for scavenging wildlife. Please refrain from leaving garbage out until the morning which it is scheduled for pick-up. We encourage residents to consider the use of an appropriate outdoor storage bin to place garbage in prior to pick-up. Residents are reminded that it is illegal to deposit home garbage in any town receptacle that is located either on a causeway or at the end of any road. We support many of our resident's efforts in picking up litter as they walk along our roads.Southold Town sponsors a yard waste collection program twice a year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall. The exact dates are published in the local newspapers approximately 30 days prior to actual collection. We suggest that you refrain from placing your materials out on the street more then 30 days prior to their collection.
Peconic Bay and our inland waterways provide for almost unlimited enjoyment of the water. In addition to swimmers, our waters are shared by sail boats, power boats, kayaks, canoes, windsurfers and rowboats. Yet the safety of all individuals must be given our highest priority when one is boating. All boat owners are encouraged to become familiar with boating safety prior to setting out on the water. Boating safety courses are offered in the local community several times a year, and are advertised in the local papers. Sailing lessons are offered during the summer at area yacht clubs. The use of powerboats within several hundred feet of our shoreline is both a danger to swimmers, plus can be annoying to waterfront homeowners. Speed limits for boating in our creeks must be less than five miles per hour.
Kayaks and Paddleboards
We have a kayak and paddle board registration system for those residents who wish to leave their kayaks or paddle boards overnight at NPPOA property - especially at Causeway Beach and Landing Road/Fisherman’s Beach. Both sites had over-crowding problems and non-residents were using these areas.
Each registered Kayak/paddle board receives a numbered sticker which has to be attached on the bow of the boat. Adding clear package tape over the sticker can help it stay on.
Those requiring a replacement sticker or a new registrant should fill out the registration form and we’ll send you a new sticker. You do not need a sticker if you do not plan on leaving it overnight on NPPOA property.
Once or twice a month during the summer we will organize group kayak trips for those interested. Everyone who has registered a boat will automatically receive an email notice. If you do not wish to be on the email chain simply let us know. Those who do not need to register can get on the kayak trip email list by sending us an email. We informally arrange these trips during the week to avoid weekend boat traffic and launch either from Fisherman’s Beach or Causeway Beach. All participants are required to wear their life jackets while on the water.
Here are some of the highlights:
All kayaks and paddleboards that are stored at a community ROW need to be registered. Registration is free, and the form can be found here. Sailboats and motorboats are not allowed due to space limitations and safety.
Storage is first come, first served except at Landing Road/Fisherman’s Beach which requires a Special Sticker.
Once your craft is registered, you will be sent a sticker with instructions which will have a specific NPPOA registration number along with member contact information.
Boats without a sticker will be removed at the owner’s expense.
We will maintain a database that connects registration number to member name and contact information in case any issues arise.
Members are encouraged to consider the following locations to launch their kayak: Causeway east, Causeway west (on creek side), Bayview Rd (next to Mauer house), Clearwater Lane (east on bay), N. Pond Rd ( off Broadwaters at curve), Horseshoe Rd ( on Horseshoe Cove) and Landing Rd. For a map of where these entry points can be accessed, please visit the Rights Of Way page.
All kayaks and paddle boards must be removed by Oct 31.
Important: We ask that you limit the number of kayaks left at each location. Each ROW (Right Of Way) offers different levels of storage capacity (some have none). Please use your judgement.
Boats & Vehicle Storage
There is no doubt that the Point serves as a beach and boating community for our residents. While owning a home on the Point affords some residents with additional storage space, we should limit the storage of boats or vehicles to locations in our yards which are not visible from the road. Southold Town Ordinance prohibits boats to be stored in front yards, and defines the specific boundaries as to how and where boats and vehicles can be stored. We encourage residents who wish to store vehicles and boats to refer to the Ordinance for specific limitations and conditions.
Beach Parking
Membership in the NPPOA entitles each home to two parking passes to be utilized at the members causeway beach. These passes are mailed out each year in the spring. There are times when our paved parking area is not sufficient to handle the demand. As such, we encourage you to consider obtaining a Town parking permit. Parking at the end of Nassau Point Road requires a valid Town permit as it is a public road. Residency in Cutchogue is required for eligibility for a Town parking permit.
Our open landscape, protected inland waterways and wooded areas provide excellent breeding grounds for natural wildlife. Many of our pets would also enjoy being allowed to wander through our neighborhoods. However, local leash laws have been enacted and need to be adhered to. Your cooperation with these leash laws is appreciated.
Water Run-Off
Water run-off from private property onto adjoining homeowners' land, or onto public streets, is not only un-neighborly, but impermissible under the law.
Please ensure that:
Gutters and similar discharge is contained
Pool backwash is contained
Driveway run-off is contained